What To Do First In Pokemon Scarlet And Violet

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are out, and though many people are excited by the new features, the new, open-world presentation can leave some players confused, particularly with all the new mechanical additionsVenir de Tragamonedas Gratis Online. Where to go first, you might wonder, as the days of linear Pokemon days may be behind us–but don’t worry! We’ve got the tips you need to find your way. Here are a few things to do in the opening hours of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet to get yourself poised for success.

Save before choosing your partner pokemon, if you care about breeding

Very soon after starting the game, you’ll run down a hill with the three starter Pokemon before being prompted to choose one. If you want to be able to breed your own starters (which are great fodder for trades) quickly and easily, save here and restart until you get a female starter of your favorite typeVenir de Tragamonedas Gratis Online. This has always made breeding starters with great IVs way easier than waiting to find a Ditto, and that’s still true now.

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